Lets Talk 9790546154

Product Information
Other Plans Tata AIA Life Insurance Term Rider
    This rider is designed for additional life cover along with non-linked life insurance products. You can attach this rider to your Tata AIA Life Insurance Policy either at the inception of said policy, or at subsequent policy anniversaries during the premium payment term (provided the base policy is still in force) by paying an additional term rider premium.


  • Enhance your life insurance protection
  • Choice of two benefit options – lump sum benefit or monthly income benefit for 10 years
  • Premium payment and policy term aligned with the base policy
  • Option to choose rider cover at inception or at subsequent policy anniversary of the base policy
  • Tax benefit as per prevailing tax laws*


    In the event of the death of the life assured, the death benefit payable immediately to the Nominee will be the “Rider Sum Assured”. The Rider Sum Assured will be paid out as opted for by the policyholder at rider inception:
  • Option I: Entire amount paid out as a lump sum
  • Option II: The entire amount paid out in equal monthly installments over 10 years.